a group of people sitting at tables in a school


a stack of books on a table

Mindy's Work
in Schools

Mindy is a popular school speaker on confidence, self-expression and leadership. She is a multi-award-winning business owner and author of 13 books and hundreds of articles and videos.

Mindy has delivered dozens of talks to schools, primarily for ages 13-18. She has also worked with headteachers and staff in the area of Thought Leadership and what she calls Thoughtful Leadership.

A sought-after and multi-award-winning entrepreneur, Mindy was a Young Enterprise business adviser for 3 years, supporting her YE companies to reach two regional finals!

However, her proudest achievements are her two grown children, both of whom have had major disruption and challenge to cope with in life.

A couple of defining moments as a parent encouraged Mindy to lean into the LGBTQ+ world which was new and confusing to her. She has shared her story with courage and vulnerability in a TEDx talk which has had nearly one million views!

One of Mindy’s sons has been a dancer from the age of three, having to make tough choices and dealing with practical as well as social challenges in pursuing his passion. Young people pursuing a career in the arts know it can be an uncertain path, possibly even more so for boys. Mindy supports young people to develop clarity, resilience and a positive attitude.

Mindy is now focused on helping more young people gain the confidence they need to accept themselves, challenge themselves and express themselves.

She is also a fierce advocate and role model for female leadership and encouraging more thoughtfulness in our society.

Mindy posing with her students as a School Speaker
Logo Downe House - Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Downe House School

Logo RMS For Girls - Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Royal Masonic School for Girls

Logo Quenswood - Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Queenswood School

Client Reviews

Having received over 100 client testimonials and endorsements through the years, we needed to choose a handful that represent the broad spectrum of clients Mindy has worked with. We hope you enjoy reading these comments and getting an idea of the value Mindy brings to organizations. If you would like to know more, simply get in touch.

Changing the Conversation from Thought Leadership to Thoughtful Leadership